『山中人兮芳杜若 饮石泉兮荫松柏』

be human - Scott Matthew

Be human—— If I only was more human


 这位 Scott Matthew,是一位出生在澳大利亚的昆士兰的歌手和词作者,嗓音沧桑又忧郁,《be human》也是与日本著名的音乐人营野洋子共同为攻壳机动队中制作的插曲。如此强大的组合,其水准也相当之高,音乐的表达极具张力和艺术性。

 这首《be human》由Scott感染力十足的声线,将我们的心麻醉到毫无抵抗力。任凭他肆意的“伤感”“揉捏”,歌词亦如旋律一般忧郁。机器人be human的梦,看似辛酸却又那么美好,流露着无奈。它不过也想要一个妻子,美丽可爱,有自己的孩子;想拥抱生命,也想从此远离寂寞……


I analyze and I verify and I quantify enough

one hundred percentile

no errors,no miss

I synchronize and I specialize and I classify so much

don't worry 'boutdreaming

because I don't sleep

I wish I could at least 30percent

maybe 50for pleasure

then skip all the rest

if I only was more human

I would count every single second the rest of my life

if I just could be more human

I'd have so many little babies and maybe a wife

I'd roll around the mud

and have lots of fun

then when I was done

build bubblebath towers and swim in the tub

sand castles on the beach

frolic in the sea

get a broken knee

be scared of the dark and I'd sing out of key

cuss when I lost a fight

kiss and reunite

scratch a spider bite

be happy with wrinkles I got when I smiled

pet kittens til they purred

maybe keep a bird

always keep my word

I'd cry at sad movies

I'd laugh til it hurt

I'd buy a big bike

and ride by the lake

and I'd have lots of friends

and I'd stay out til late

if I could just be more human

I would see every little thing with a gleam in my eye

if only I was more human

I'd embrace every single feeling that came in my life

would I care and be forgiving?

would I be sentimental and would I feel loneliness?

would I doubt and have misgivings?

would I cause someone sorrow,too?

would I know what to do?

will I cry when it's all over?

when I die will I see heaven


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